Scenario 1 Outlooks

Scroll down to find WPC excessive rainfall outlooks.

CPC Outlooks

Seasonal Outlook

Seasonal outlook valid for October-November-December for temperature (right) and precipitation (left).
“A” signifies above normal, “B” signifies below normal, and “EC” signifies an equal chance of being above or below normal.

Monthly Outlook

One month outlooks valid for December for temperature (right) and precipitation (left).
“A” signifies above normal, “B” signifies below normal, and “EC” signifies an equal chance of being above or below normal.

Day 8-14 Precipitation Outlook

Day 8-14 precipitation outlook valid for Dec 6-12th.
“A” signifies above normal, “B” signifies below normal, and “N” signifies normal.
Day 8-14 precipitation outlook valid for Dec 12-18th.
“A” signifies above normal, “B” signifies below normal, and “N” signifies normal.

Day 6-10 Precipitation Outlook

Day 6-10 precipitation outlook valid for Dec 6-10th.
“A” signifies above normal, “B” signifies below normal, and “N” signifies normal.
Day 6-10 precipitation outlook valid for Dec 10-14th.
“A” signifies above normal, “B” signifies below normal, and “N” signifies normal.
Day 6-10 precipitation outlook valid for Dec 14-18th.
“A” signifies above normal, “B” signifies below normal, and “N” signifies normal.

Hazard Outlook

CPC Hazard outlook valid for Dec 9-15th.

WPC Day 3 Excessive Rainfall Outlooks

Valid at:

*note days not shown did not have any risk shown*

December 8

WPC Day 1 Excessive Rainfall Outlooks

Valid at:

*note days not shown did not have any risk shown*

December 7

December 8

December 9
